About Our Therapists
Our therapists are prepared to work with many issues that face people who seek therapy. They represent and are able to address the needs of people from different racial, ethnic, cultural, and religious backgrounds and sexual orientations.
Our therapists work at our Greenwich Village office in Manhattan and in offices throughout New York City and surrounding areas. Appointments are available in the day or evening or on weekends. Fees are set individually, based on financial resources and expenses. Confidentiality is respected.
All the therapists to whom we refer have completed training or are now in training at the National Psychological Association for Psychoanalysis (NPAP). The Training Institute of NPAP is a postgraduate educational body chartered under the Education Law of New York State by the Board of Regents of the University of the State of New York.
NPAP training is complex, rigorous, and lengthy. It includes comprehensive course work in the theory and practice of psychotherapy and psychoanalysis, extensive supervision of clinical work by senior clinicians, and the therapist’s own thorough personal psychoanalysis.
Once the formal training process has been completed, professional and personal growth continues—augmented by lectures, seminars and peer discussion groups. NPAP provides ongoing education to the larger community of mental health professionals as well as to its own members.
All our therapists subscribe to the highest professional and ethical standards as established by NPAP.
Theodor Reik Clinical Center
Affordable Therapy for New York & Beyond
40 West 13th St NY, NY 10011 I npap.org
[email protected] I 212.924.7440 I About TRCC
Arrange referral interview with Lois Wedin, Director of Referral TRCC 212.262.5978 I Text 212.929.9897