2025 Annual Membership Dues Instructions & Payment Links
I hope this finds you safe and healthy as we approach the end of 2024. We are grateful to our entire community for your ongoing support and countless contributions to our professional home.
The board approved raising dues for Members and Training Members for 2025 to $380 each. We did not raise dues for 2024. The increase is based on the inflation rate of 7.2% for 2023 and 2024. For the first time, we are including a $10 “Convenience Fee” for credit card transactions which are 2.9%. Anyone who wants to save this fee can pay by check. In the past, we had only modest success when we asked for a voluntary payment of this $10 transaction fee.
Please pay your dues to the: “Training Institute of NPAP,” preferably by January 1, 2025, but no later than February 1, 2025. You may pay online by credit card, or you may send a check addressed to: Jennifer Knobe, NPAP, 40 West 13th Street, New York, NY 10011. If you choose to pay by check, you may pay $370 or $740.
The invoice has two different payment links. One is for both “Members” and “Training Members.” The other is for “Members 80 and over” or previously “Exempted”.
Please click one:
Members and Training Members*: Click here to pay your 2025 Annual Membership Dues online.
– Dues for Members (under 80) are $380.
– Dues for Training Members are an additional $380 for a single payment of $760. These dues ensure our Training Institute continues to train candidates in psychoanalysis. A Training Member is eligible to serve in any and all training capacities, including on a Training Group committee, on an Evaluation Committee, as an Enrollment Interviewer, and/or a Mentor to Members-in-Training; as well as in roles of teaching, supervising, conducting training analysis, and voting for elective positions in the Training Institute.
Members 80 and over or previously “Exempted”: Click here to pay your 2025 Annual Membership Dues online and select all categories that apply to you:
I am a member 80 and over who chooses to…
• Opt-in to continue paying my dues for the benefit of NPAP: $380
• Opt-out of paying membership dues. $0
• Pay additional dues for serving as a Training Member (no exemption) in a capacity such as faculty, supervisor, training analyst and/or in any Training Group role: $380
We hope you will consider supporting NPAP with an end-of-year charitable contribution.
Warm regards,
Tom Taylor
* It’s come to our attention that some members forget that we’ve always paid dues for two categories of membership. This does not change even when we become one organization. In 2022, new categories “Members” and “Training Members” replaced the former categories of membership “Association” and “Training Institute”. Dues for Members (under 80) are $380 and for Training Members are an additional $380 for a single payment of $760. For Members 80 and over or previously “Exempted”, depending on the categories that apply to you, dues are either $0, $380, or $760.
The Training Institute of the
National Psychological Association for Psychoanalysis
40 West 13th St. NY, NY 10011 I npap.org I [email protected] I 212.924.7440
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