The Good Trouble Scholarship
The mission of the Good Trouble Scholarship has two interdependent aims. One is a communal goal: to build up the Afro-descent community at NPAP. The other is to support candidates from these communities who want to train to become psychoanalysts.
Established in 2020 after the murder of George Floyd and death of Congressman John Lewis, the Good Trouble Scholarship is available to three newly enrolled candidates of African descent in NPAP’s psychoanalytic training program. It is a one-year grant that covers tuition and fees (up to $3,200) during an academic year. Recipients can reapply for a second year.
Application process: Most of the documents required for the scholarship application are the same as those required for enrollment at NPAP (two references, transcripts, personal essay about interest in becoming an analyst – and positive reports of two enrollment interviewers). Scholarship applicants need simply to inform the Registrar – by notation on the application or by speaking with the Registrar directly. The Chair of the Racial Justice Initiative, Beverly Schneider, may also be contacted for further information at [email protected].
The deadline for applications is June 15th. Applicants will be informed early in July about the decision.
To contribute and donate to the Good Trouble Scholarship, please click here.
The Lou Berkowitz Scholarship
In 1980, the Board of Trustees established a scholarship in memory of Dr. Louis Berkowitz. It is a one-year grant that covers tuition and fees (up to $3,200) during an academic year. A recipient will be considered for a second-year extension if there are no other qualified applicants.
Eligibility: In honor of Dr. Berkowitz’s lifelong commitment to social action, the scholarship is offered yearly to an NPAP candidate from and/or working in an underrepresented community. Applicants must be in good standing and have attained at least the matriculation level of training at NPAP.
Application Process: Submissions must include 1) a personal statement, which should include your current situation, professional efforts and goals relating to your background, and reasons for considering yourself an appropriate recipient of the award; 2) official transcripts from both NPAP and the most recent academic institution you attended; and 3) two letters of recommendation from people who know you well. If you have had clinical experience, please use references who can comment on your skills – if not, ask someone who has some basis for evaluating your potential as a psychoanalyst.
Submission Instructions: For more information or to submit application, contact Chair Beverly Schneider at [email protected]. Documents must be sent together in one email with separate attachments each with your name and labelled: “Personal Statement,” “Transcript – Institution name,” or 3) “LOR 1 or 2 from xxxx.”
The deadline for applications is April 30th. The recipient will be informed by the end of May, and generally sooner.
To contribute and donate to the Lou Berkowitz Scholarship, please click here.
The Ernest Angel Scholarship
The Ernest Angel Scholarship Fund was established in memory of the Institute’s past Vice President, Ernest Angel, and is intended to honor significant work as well as to provide the recipient with financial assistance. To apply for this award, a candidate submits an original unpublished paper to the Ernest Angel Scholarship Committee. The paper should present a theoretical, historical, research-based or clinically grounded argument (not, however, a case study) that will be evaluated by the committee on the basis of its thoughtfulness and originality and as a contribution to the psychoanalytic literature. Subject to the approval of the Board of Trustees, the committee may recommend that the award be divided between candidates, may suggest the amount of the award to be received by the candidate(s), or may decide that no award be given.
Further details are available from Jane Kupersmidt at [email protected] or 212-475-7490.
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