The Psychoanalytic Review

About the Review

The Psychoanalytic Review has a rich history, more than 100 years of publication. Founded in 1913 by William Alanson White and Smith Ely Jelliffe, the Review is the first psychoanalytic journal in the United States and the first printed in the English language, making the Review the oldest continuously published psychoanalytic journal in the world. Since its inception, it has been an open venue for all psychoanalytic perspectives, as the founders instituted in 1914: “The Review aims to be catholic in its tendency, a faithful mirror of the psychoanalytic movement, and to represent no schisms or schools, but a free forum for all” (Jelliffe, S. E., 1914, p. 444). Through its pages, in all the years of publication, the Review has been able to play an important role both as a promoter and as a reflection of almost the entire evolution of psychoanalysis.

In 1958, The Psychoanalytic Review became the official journal of the National Psychological Association for Psychoanalysis (NPAP). Our journal resulted from a merger between the official journal of NPAP at that time, Psychoanalysis, founded by Theodor Reik in 1952, and the original Psychoanalytic Review, established in 1913. To learn more about the history of the journalclick here.

In six issues per year, The Psychoanalytic Review publishes peer-reviewed articles on a wide range of theoretical, clinical and cultural topics, including interdisciplinary studies, which help advance psychoanalytic theory and understanding of therapeutic process. Special Issues, organized by guest editors with recognized knowledge in a specific area within the field of psychoanalysis or intersecting with it, are an important feature of the Review. The journal also publishes reviews of books and films of interest to psychoanalysis.

The Review is a part of the Psychoanalytic Electronic Publishing (PEP) archive, where almost all its volumes from 1913 up to the last three years are fully accessible to PEP-WEB subscribers. The current issues as well as volumes back to 2001 are online at the Guilford Publications website. For NPAP members and students, a subscription to the journal (print and online versions) is included in members’ yearly dues and candidates’ registration fees. For the public, subscriptions are available through Guilford Publications at 1-800-365-7006 (in New York, 212-431-9800) or [email protected].

The Psychoanalytic Review functions as an autonomous journal with editorial policies that are independent from its sponsoring organization (NPAP).


Book Review Editors

Gavriel Reisner (Chair)
Gary Ahlskog
Joyce Rosenberg
Susan G. Sawyer
Michael P. Varga

Education Editor

Judy Ann Kaplan

Art Editor

Douglas Maxwell

Film Editor

Tony Pipolo

Editorial Board

Gary Ahlskog
Beth A. Althofer
John Augliera
Helene Bass-Wichelhaus
Diane Clemente
Paul Cooper
Robert Friedman
Gerald J. Gargiulo
James Holmes
Carl Jacobs
Charlotte Kahn
Judy Ann Kaplan
Debra Kuppersmith
Jane Kupersmidt
Victoria Malkin
Douglas Maxwell
Susan Mitchell
Merle Molofsky
Tamar Opler
Patricia Precin
Ruth Rosenbaum
Joyce Rosenberg
Susan G. Sawyer
Henrietta Statham
Thomas S. Taylor
Stefanie Teitelbaum
Michael P. Varga
Thomas Wagner
Peter Zimmermann

Board of Consultants

Alan J Barnett, Ph.D., Private Practice, New York City

Michael Eigen, Ph.D., Private Practice, New York City

Edward J. Emery, Ph.D., Private practice, Northampton, MA; International School for Mental Health

Herbert Fingarette, Ph.D.; Emeritus Professor of Philosophy, University of California, Santa Barbara

Harvey Roy Greenberg, M.D., Albert Einstein College of Medicine; Private Practice, New York

Norman Holland, Ph.D., Department of English, University of Florida

Leila Lerner, Private Practice, New York City

Arnold H. Modell, M.D., Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA

Robert Mollinger, Ph.D., Private Practice, New York

Ashis Nandy, Ph.D., Centre for the Study of Developing Societies. Delhi, India

Peter L. Rudnytsky, Ph.D., Department of English, University of Florida

Murray H. Sherman, Ph.D., Private Practice, New York

Doris K. Silverman, Ph.D., New York University

Robert D. Stolorow, Ph.D., Private Practice, Los Angeles

Former Editors:

William A. White, Smith Ely Jeliffe, Nolan D. C. Lewis, Marie Coleman Nelson, Murray Sherman, Leila Lerner, Martin Schulman, Michael Eigen, Alan J. Barnett.

Information for Authors

The Psychoanalytic Review publishes peer-reviewed articles on a wide range of theoretical, clinical and cultural topics, including interdisciplinary studies, which help advance psychoanalytic theory and understanding of therapeutic process. Special Issues, organized by guest editors with recognized knowledge in a specific area within the field of psychoanalysis or intersecting with it, are an important feature of the Review. The journal also publishes reviews of books and films of interest to psychoanalysis. Manuscripts should be submitted electronically to the Interim Editor, at [email protected].

For complete instructions concerning manuscript submissions, click here

The journal will not consider for publication any material previously published on the internet, whether self published on an author site, appearing on a pay per view site, or a research site used by a university or society, since at this time there are no clear criteria with which to distinguish these with respect to enforcing copyright and publication rights. After a paper is published in the print edition of The Psychoanalytic Review, there is a six-month embargo on posting papers online on an author site, pay per view site, or research site of a university or society. Permission is granted to republish online after six months, provided credit is given to the Review for its original publication (including year, volume, page numbers).

Subscription Information

The Psychoanalytic Review (ISSN 0033-2836) is published bimonthly. Annual subscription rates are as follows: for U.S. Institutions, $864, for Canada and foreign institutions, $909, and for individuals $108 (Canada and foreign orders add $35). The subscription is through Guilford Publications Inc., 370 Seventh Avenue, Suite 1200, New York, NY 10001-1020. Orders by MasterCard, Visa, or American Express can be placed by phone at 800-365-7006, fax 212 988-6708, or E-mail [email protected]. In New York, please call 212-431-9800. Or click here to subscribe. For NPAP members and students, a subscription to the journal (print and online versions) is included in members’ yearly dues and candidates’ registration fees.

Change of address: Notify publisher at least six weeks prior to move. Enclose present mailing label with change of address. Claims for missing issues cannot be honored beyond four months after mailing date. Duplicate copies cannot be sent to replace issues not delivered because of failure to notify publisher of change of address. NPAP members and students should notify NPAP, 40 West 13th Street, New York, NY 10011 if a change of address occurs.

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National Psychological Association for Psychoanalysis

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