Information for Authors

The Psychoanalytic Review publishes peer-reviewed articles on a wide range of theoretical, clinical and cultural topics, including interdisciplinary studies, which help advance psychoanalytic theory and understanding of therapeutic process. Special Issues, organized by guest editors with recognized knowledge in a specific area within the field of psychoanalysis or intersecting with it, are an important feature of the Review. The journal also publishes reviews of books and films of interest to psychoanalysis. Manuscripts should be submitted electronically to the Editor, Tony Pipolo, at

For complete instructions concerning manuscript submissions, click here

The journal will not consider for publication any material previously published on the internet, whether self published on an author site, appearing on a pay per view site, or a research site used by a university or society, since at this time there are no clear criteria with which to distinguish these with respect to enforcing copyright and publication rights. After a paper is published in the print edition of The Psychoanalytic Review, there is a six-month embargo on posting papers online on an author site, pay per view site, or research site of a university or society. Permission is granted to republish online after six months, provided credit is given to the Review for its original publication (including year, volume, page numbers).